Graduating high school can be a stressful time for many. From deciding whether to go career or college bound, to figuring out how to live away from home, there are many factors contributing to this complicated yet exciting time. With college application season going strong, we are happy to announce that the Florida District is now accepting applications for scholarships! These are a great way to showcase your time in Key Club and earn recognition for all of your hard work. Keep on reading to learn more.
Important Info
• All Scholarship applications are due on February 15th
• Scholarship page link:
• For all scholarships the following priors must be met:
º Is in their last year of High School
º Has been involved with Key Club since at least 11th grade
º Has paid dues and appears on Key Club International’s Member Report
º Is College, University, Technical, or Vocational school bound
º Has a grade point average of at least a “B” or the equivalent of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (If you have below a 3.0, consider applying for the Perserverance Scholarship)
º Has an official High School transcript
º Has a document explaining the community service hours they have completed through Key Club
Types of Scholarships
The Florida District offers many scholarships for dedicated Key Club members. Make sure to read about each one carefully and apply to all that you can.
Mr. Jack Gander Scholarship
• Must be in division 1A of the Florida District of Key Club International
• This scholarship will be awarded to those who demonstrate the strongest qualifications per the general application essays and recommendations.
Ellie Gander Scholarship
• Must be in divisions 1A or 1B of the Florida District of Key Club International
• This scholarship will be awarded to those who demonstrate the strongest qualifications per the general application essays and recommendations.
Endowment Scholarship
• All endowment scholarships are funded by the Endowment fund
• The following scholarships are within the same application
1. Malcolm Lewis Scholarship
2. Bob and Donna Parton Scholarship
3. Nancy Markham Scholarship
• Applying to the Endowment Scholarship will automatically consider you for all listed above.
• This scholarship will be awarded to those who demonstrate the strongest qualifications per the general application essays and recommendations.
Perserverance Scholarship
• This scholarship will be awarded to those who have persevered in their pursuit of service leadership despite facing challenging life events or circumstances.
• The Marjory Stoneman Douglas Scholarship is also located within the same application.
• Created to commemorate the lives lost as a result of the mass shooting that occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Governor's Project Scholarship
• The Governor’s Project Scholarship is awarded to a college bound Key Club senior who has shown the utmost dedication to this year’s Governor’s Project: Lit for Life. This project is about making sure every child is given the opportunity to foster proper literacy skills.
Florida Key Club scholarships are not just bits of recognition, they’re ways to celebrate your hard work and help you move towards your goals for the future. Do not pass up on this opportunity and start applying today!
For questions, reach out to the Financial Committee Chair, Adam Ron, at