Campaigning for Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and International Endorsement

All Candidates for the office of Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and running for International Endorsement will spend most of their time campaigning at DCON. Candidates will also be allowed to campaign by filming videos giving their speeches and answering some questions to be shown in Zone Rallies throughout the District. Guidelines for these videos can be found here. All candidates should also submit a signed copy of the Election Rules and Regulations. All documents must be signed and turned in 30 days prior to the Opening Session on Thursday of DCON at 7:30 PM.

Applying for Webmaster, Editor, Executive Assistant, DCON Chair, and Standing Committee Chairs

If you are applying for Webmaster, Editor, Executive Assistant, DCON Chair, or Standing Committee Chair, your forms must be turned in 30 days prior to the Opening Session on Thursday of DCON at 7:30 PM. All candidates will be thoroughly reviewed by the Governor and Adult Advisors. Candidates will then be selected for an interview. Candidates will be notified of their appointment status (i.e. appointment or not) within 30 days of DCON. 

Campaigning is NOT allowed for appointed positions. 

Candidate Forms

The District Governor is responsible for the overall operations of the District Board. They train other District Officers, appoints committees, assigns directives, builds and maintains relationships with other Kiwanis-family leaders, and communicates District needs and desires to the International Board liaison, also known as the International Trustee. The District Governor is elected at the District Education and Leadership Conference. 

The District Secretary keeps and reports all District minutes and maintains all records for the District, including Monthly Reports and Officer Information Forms. They also provide support to the Club Secretaries. The District Secretary is elected at the District Education and Leadership Conference. 

The District Treasurer is responsible for overseeing a district budget, monitoring finances, approving all expenditures, creating and filing all appropriate reports, and coordinating dues collection. They also provide support to the Club Treasurers. The District Treasurer is elected at the District Education and Leadership Conference. 

Each Lieutenant Governor is responsible for supporting and growing the clubs within their division and serving as a liaison between the district and their clubs. Duties include the publication of a newsletter, holding Divisional Council Meetings (DCMs), training and consulting with club officers and advisors, and serving on one of the District Committees. Lieutenant Governors are generally elected at Zone Rally. 

The District Webmaster is responsible for all online district communications. This includes but is not limited to, managing and updating the District website, and supervising use of Keymmunity. The District Webmaster is a website resource to clubs in the district, as well as a resource to all District Committees. This is an appointed position. 

The District Editor is responsible for coordinating, editing, and distributing The Sunshine Source, and ensuring adherence to Key Club graphic standards and notifying contributors of deadlines and requirements. The District Editor reviews all 42 MEBs that are created by Lieutenant Governors. They are a resource to clubs on how to effectively keep club members informed. This is an appointed position. 

The District Executive Assistant serves as the official aide to the Executive Committee in creating forms, resources, and files for the Florida District and the District Board. They may be assigned special projects by the Governor or the Executive Committee. This is an appointed position. 

The Standing Committee Chairs are responsible for the operations and logistics of one of the current Florida District Standing Committees. They must work with their executive advisor, adult advisor, and committee members to ensure the efficiency of project completion. This is an appointed position. 

Running for International Endorsement allows you the opportunity to campaign for high office at the District Education and Leadership Conference which qualifies you to run at International Convention.