The club president serves as the club’s chief executive officer. They are responsible for setting and monitoring the goals of the club, running club meetings, appointing committee chairs and delegating tasks as necessary as well as recruiting, training and retaining members and maintaining regular communication with the lieutenant governor of his or her division. The president is also the face of the club, so it is encouraged that they attend divisional council meetings (DCMs), maintain enthusiasm, and plan service projects. Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance!

The importance of the office of vice-president is developed in the function they have in their Key Club program. It can be summarized in one word: service. The vice president serves the president, other club officers, committees and the general membership. They are expected to learn the duties of the president in order to fill in or take over as necessary. They are also advised to attend divisional council meetings (DCMs) and advertise the club around their school and community.

The office of secretary is one of the most demanding and rewarding positions in the organization. An excellent secretary is essential to the proper functioning of any Key Club. The secretary is responsible for taking minutes, keeping records and maintaining all important files for the club. Submitting pride reports and filling out the Officer Information Form (OIF) are other major responsibilities of the club secretary who is often referred to as the unsung hero on the club.

The club treasurer controls the club’s money, both its collection and disbursement. They will also work hand-in-hand with the club secretary to keep track of which members paid dues. In addition, they will also prepare and monitor the budget and maintain accurate financial records.

The editor is the advertiser, and the communicator of the club. Their role is similar to that of a public relations officer. The club editor is responsible for keeping members informed about important activities, opportunities, and deadlines at the club both on district and international level. The may advertise either through printed flyers, emails, or social media. They are also encouraged to create newsletters for the club.

The webmaster is responsible for the operations of your Key Club’s website. The webmaster ensures that the information for service events and projects are up to date on the website. If they choose to, the webmaster can also maintain a calendar of events, publicize meetings, provide access to important forms and share information from the district board with club members.

Class Director/Committee Chair

Both Class Directors and Committee Chairs are “Leaders of Leaders.” Committee chairs and class directors spend their time working with fellow club members! Your job lies with making sure your respective class or committee is steered in the right direction throughout the year.